CHT Stakeholder Engagement Programs

A comprehensive stakeholder engagement plan has been stipulated at Chunghwa Telecom, covering regular impact assessment for local stakeholders (local governments, communities, NGOs, and associations), establishment of clear communication channels, and provision of capacity building. Through regular meetings and surveys, Chunghwa Telecom seeks to probe into the needs and opinions of stakeholders, while establishing mechanisms for complaint tracking and handling, to ensure that every voice is heard and responded to.

By establishing a transparent, open, systematic stakeholder engagement system applicable to all the operating sites of Chunghwa Telecom, we ensure that every stakeholder (including local communities and vulnerable groups) can fully partake in discussions on our sustainable development strategies and actions, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation to jointly promote the sustainable development of society, environment, and economy. We will also regularly review the implementation of the engagement plan at each operating site to ensure their effectiveness and consistency.

1. Local Stakeholder (Communities) Impact Assessment

Objective To capture the impact from the operations of Chunghwa Telecom on local communities and stakeholders and identify potential impacts and opportunities
  1. Community Surveys and Interviews: Conduct community surveys and interviews from time to time throughout the year to collect feedback from local residents on the network construction, services, and community engagement activities of Chunghwa Telecom.
  2. Environmental Impact Assessment: Conduct environmental impact assessments for new base stations and infrastructure, especially in the sensitive areas around operating sites, to minimize the impact on the local environment.
  3. Social Impact Assessment: Analyze the impacts of digital empowerment, network coverage, service quality, and community engagement initiatives on remote areas and vulnerable groups, ensuring equity and inclusivity in universal service.
  4. Assessment the potential impact of major events of the Company (e.g., launch of new application/technology, major telecom infrastructure construction, and community engagement activity) on local communities, and develop corresponding response measures.
Experience Sharing
  • The “Click Taiwan Innovative Design Action” promoted by CHT and CHT Foundation gathers teachers and students with design specialties, as well as professionals with practical experience, to assist local industries in conducting resource inventories, evaluations, and discovering the highlights and characteristics of local industries.
  • Impact assessment indicators include: whether or not the industry has the requisites for development, community dynamics, and human resources allocation, etc. After identifying bottlenecks and opportunities for industry development, we will improve and optimize product quality to successfully achieve the goal of sustainable operation of the local industry.

2. Diverse Smooth Channels for Communication and Engagement

Objective To provide clear contact information and communication channels for local stakeholders so as to ensure swift and convenient communication of local stakeholders with the Company
  1. Dedicated ESG Mailbox:
  2. Phone numbers of service centers nationwide:
  3. Corporate Website and Facebook: CHT CSR Fan Page
  4. Chunghwa Telecom Foundation:
  5. Regular/Irregular community visits to allow local stakeholders to access information, ask questions, and express opinions, seek clarification, and actively interact with the Company
Experience Sharing
  • CHT's “Digital Good Neighbors” program uses CHT foundation as a communication channel and platform for local stakeholders to help local communities bridge resources from all sides, and has successfully assisted 89 remote communities in Taiwan to promote the project of minimize the digital divide and create digital opportunities.
  • CHT assisted the Keelung City Government in building the nation's first “convenient and caring bell” smart transportation service, which allows people to make bus reservations through their cell phones to ensure the rights and interests of disadvantaged groups. CHT also conducted on-site interviews with the chairman of the Keelung City Association of Spinal Cord Injury and the people who had actually participated in the program to learn about their experiences and feedback.

3. Capacity-building to Ensure an Effective Communication

Objective To enhance the engagement capacity of local stakeholders so as to ensure an effective communication with the Company
  1. Community Training and Workshops: Hold regular/irregular community events and workshops to introduce the engagement policy, program content, services, and communication channels at CHT and promote basic digital and Internet-related skills.
  2. Resource Provision: Provide local communities/stakeholders with relevant information and manuals to help stakeholders better understand the operations and engagement strategies of the Company.
Experience Sharing
  • CHT promotes the “Smart Elderly Academy” and “Smart Primary Academy” in communities throughout Taiwan to help children and elderly in the community to learn digital knowledge and abilities, i.e., to strengthen interaction with local community residents by organizing community meetings on a regular basis, and to promote good communication between the community and the company by increasing the dialogue interface.
  • When CHT organizes “Digital Empowerment” related activities, CHT will distribute simple and clear activity information brochures to introduce the specific contents and usage of the related services, so that community members can better understand the purpose of the activities and provide feedback.

4. Regular Survey on Stakeholders’ Awareness of the Engagement Policy/Strategies of the Company

Objective To probe into stakeholders' awareness of the engagement policy and strategies at Chunghwa Telecom, ensuring transparency and effective information communication
  1. Annual Awareness Survey: Conduct an annual stakeholder awareness survey, analyze the results, and develop improvement plans. The survey questionnaire encompasses the awareness of the ESG policies, engagement measures, and social responsibility actions at the Company.
  2. Results Disclosure and Response: Elaborate the responses and improvement measures related to the survey results to stakeholders in the annual ESG Report of the Company or at community meetings.
Experience Sharing CHT designs easy-to-understand questionnaires after the “Digital Empowerment” event, which will cover not only the event information, but also the company's compliance policy, and send them to the stakeholders of the event either online or offline, in order to understand their awareness of the ESG Engagement Policy and their satisfaction with the event.

5. Regular Meeting with Local Stakeholders to Identify Emerging Concerns

Objective To establish a regular communication mechanism to identify and address emerging concerns of stakeholders
  1. Regular Meeting: Local stakeholder meetings are held every half a year, with participants including community leaders, small business representatives, and environmental groups, to talk about the latest concerns and the response strategies of the Company.
  2. Irregular Meeting: Irregular meetings are held by each operating site as needed and in line with the collaboration status.
  3. Meeting Minutes and Action Plans: Record meeting content and develop subsequent action plans to ensure that identified issues are addressed.
Experience Sharing
  • From time to time, we engage with the community online and offline, allowing local stakeholders to share their needs and expectations with us.
  • Take the CHT's “Click Taiwan” and “Click Taiwan Innovative Design Action”for example, we emphasize two-way communication, regularly engaging in direct conversations with local community residents to further explore needs, and adjusting project planning based on corresponding needs to create locally adapted service solutions.

6. Establishing A Mechanism to Effectively Track Stakeholder Complaints

Objective To ensure that complaints and opinions from stakeholders are handled and responded to in a timely and effective manner
  1. Provide various communication platforms and channels, including online forms, mailboxes, and phone numbers, allowing external stakeholders to directly raise questions, suggestions, or complaints to the Company.
  2. Complaint Handling System: Establish a dedicated complaint handling system, including a complete process for receiving, recording, investigating, and responding to complaints. After collecting information, complaints are assigned to relevant departments, with the handing progress thereof tracked.
  3. Transparent Communication: Regularly communicate with stakeholders, elaborating the resolution of complaints and improvement measures taken.
Experience Sharing
  1. CHT reviews daily the dedicated mailboxes for sustainability, lists complaints, and tracks monthly the results of the handling of complaints by the unit in charge.
  2. We have also set up a stakeholder area on our website to provide a channel for local stakeholders to communicate with us. Not only do we compile quarterly statistics on the results of local stakeholder meetings and important complaints, but we also report them to the Chairman of the Board of Directors for review and inclusion in the Board of Directors' reporting issues.
  • Chunghwa Telecom Stakeholder Engagement Guidelines Chunghwa Telecom Stakeholder Engagement Guidelines
  • Stakeholder Engagement Policy of Chunghwa Telecom Stakeholder Engagement Policy of Chunghwa Telecom
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