Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures

At the Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), the United Nations adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, which includes 23 specific action targets and defines the vision to achieve 30 X 30 biodiversity target by 2030. In particular, Target 15 specifically requires businesses to regularly monitor, assess, and disclose their risks, dependencies, and impacts on biodiversity; it further advocates for sustainable consumption patterns with the aim of gradually reducing negative impacts on biodiversity.

To further operationalize the biodiversity framework action goals mentioned above, we adopt the official framework which published by the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). Following governance, strategy, risk and impact management, as well as relevant metrics and targets, we discloses nature-related information and employs the recommended LEAP (Locate, Evaluate, Assess and Prepare) methodology to systematically analyze its dependencies and impacts on nature. Additionally, we consider internationally recognized standards such as GRI Standards for biodiversity analysis. We aim to proactively mitigate nature-related risks with accountability, enhance corporate resilience in collaboration with partner enterprises, and collectively advance towards becoming Nature Positive.

Governance Organizational Structure

The Sustainable Development and Strategy Committee is the highest governing body for CHT’s sustainable development. It operates under the Board of Directors as a functional committee, with a convener elected by and among the members. The committee comprises five to nine directors and is primarily responsible for providing strategic guidance on CHT’s vision for sustainable development, medium to long-term goals, long-term policies, and management principles. In addition, the Sustainable Development Committee, consisting of management personnel, has been established to uphold CHT’s sustainable development strategy and advance various sustainable action plans. It regularly reports on the implementation results and future plans to the Board of Directors, aiding in policy formulation and enhancing the efficiency of sustainable risk management.

To enhance biodiversity management, CHT has put forward a governance framework for addressing biodiversity issues, led by the Deputy of Technology as the convener, and spearheads related efforts through groups focused on technology, restoration, afforestation, and public relations. These groups are dedicated to executing projects focused on nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks, and opportunities; in particular, activities include habitat restoration, tree planting, promoting industry-academic cooperation, and keeping abreast of sustainable natural development trends and international initiatives.


Stakeholder Communication and Engagement

CHT adopt the official version of TNFD recommendations to include nature-related stakeholders in the overall assessment process and management. It includes considering relevant factors during the LEAP analysis, and hosting workshops with departmental groups to identify stakeholders involved in CHT operations and interactions with nature.

The process for identifying major stakeholders is as follows:

  • Referencing international nature-related trends and the official recommendations of TNFD to compile a list of stakeholders associated with CHT’s natural environment.
  • Assessing stakeholders according to the principles of responsibility, influence, and diversity of perspectives stipulated in the AA1000 SES Stakeholder Engagement Standard; each department evaluates stakeholders based on their relationship and level of impact; relevant assessment details are provided in the table below.
    Evaluation Dimension Definition
    Responsibility Departments are responsible for protecting the natural environment, preventing biodiversity loss, and safeguarding the rights and interests of stakeholders’ habitats or residential environments
    Impact Stakeholders who have an impact on nature-related influence of the departments or their decision-making
    Perspective diversity Diverse opinions of stakeholders benefit the departments by allowing them to gain new insights into special situations or discover new opportunities
  • Summarizing the evaluation results of department heads, conducting statistical standardization, and compiling a list to determine the extent of CHT’s relationships with stakeholders.
  • From the top two-thirds ranking, comprising 7 nature-related stakeholder categories, and based on their proximity, significance, and level of influence, selecting and identifying significant stakeholders of CHT.

Chunghwa Telecom believes that valuing and understanding stakeholder opinions on company operational management issues is the cornerstone of achieving corporate sustainability. Stakeholders play a crucial role in Chunghwa Telecom's efforts to promote nature conservation initiatives, influencing how their opinions are considered in action plans and integrated into "strategies" and "natural risk and impact management." For further details, please refer to "Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. Report for Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) 2023 Edition."

Biodiversity Conservation Strategies and Goals

Considering the diverse natural risks faced by Chunghwa Telecom and its value chain, which involve both physical and transitional risks, it is essential to effectively and comprehensively manage these related natural risks and opportunities. This will be done by gradually deepening management actions. CHT has established a biodiversity conservation strategy guided by two core principles, mitigating nature-related losses and advancing nature positivity, plan, which respectively corresponding to four goals: Scientific Nature-Related Assessment, No Deforestation, Alignment with the Nature Positive Initiative, and Mainstreaming nature positivity.


  • Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. 2023 TNFD Report Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. 2023 TNFD Report
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