SBTi Net-Zero Commitment and Targets

Chunghwa Telecom has been committed to climate actions to mitigate impact from climate change. By becoming a signatory to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), regular response to CDP questionnaires, and the membership of RE100 initiative and Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), Chunghwa Telecom has lay out its short-, mid-, and long-term carbon management targets to achieve our target of net-zero emissions by 2045. To meet the carbon reduction requirements for the ICT industry in the SBT, we have implemented carbon reduction plans for our “data centers, mobile and fixed line networks, and office buildings,” respectively, along with the proposal of the carbon reduction plans for the coming years with reference to the carbon reduction methodologies recommended by various international organizations and our government as well as in line with the current landscape.

  • With the commitment to net-zero emissions by 2045, Chunghwa Telecom has its SBTs validated by the SBTi to ensure the targets aligned with the 1.5°C goal:
    • 1. In June 2023,Publicly committed to achieving Near-Term science-based targets that has been set in line with the SBTi target-setting criteria.
    • 2. In July 2024,Publicly committed to achieving Net-Zero science-based targets that has been set in line with the SBTi target-setting criteria.
  • Mitigation Actions Beyond the Value Chain:
    • Chunghwa Telecom partook in the first batch of carbon credit purchase of Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange (TCX). On the launch ceremony of the International Carbon Credit Trading Platform, Mr. Shui-Yi Kuo, Chairman of Chunghwa Telecom, served as a representative to receive the certificate of the first batch of carbon credit purchase.3,000 tons of Gold Standard-certified carbon credits from an international solar energy project were purchased this time, which can be used for product carbon neutrality and carbon offset of SBTi in the future.

Chunghwa Telecom's GHG emissions in base year

SBTi covered by the target Target Timeframe Baseline year emissions covered and as a % of total base year emissions % reduction target from base year
Near-Term Scope1+2 Base Year:2020
Target Year:2030
Base year emissions: 821,070.03 t-CO2e
Percentage of total base year emissions: 100
Scope3 Base Year:2021
Target Year:2030
Base year emissions:1,906,864.72 t-CO2e
Percentage of total base year emissions:100
Scope1+2 Base Year:2020
Target Year:2040
Same as Near-Term 95%
Scope3 Base Year:2021
Target Year:2045
Same as Near-Term 90%

1.SBTi boundary is the parent company and subsidiaries - Chief International Corp., and the rest of the subsidiaries are included in Scope 3 - Category 15 investment.
2.In July 2024, Chunghwa Telecom's Net-Zero Science Based Targets validated by SBTi.
3.In June 2023, Chunghwa Telecom's Near-Term Science Based Targets validated by SBTi.



  • Chunghwa Telecom 2023 GHG Verification Chunghwa Telecom 2023 GHG Verification
  • Approved  Science Based Target (Near-Term) Approved Science Based Target (Near-Term)
  • Approved  Science Based Target (Net-Zero_Long-Term) Approved Science Based Target(Net-Zero)
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